I can think of few meals more perfect for foggy, peacoat weather than a steaming bowl of Indian curry with rice. Add a few glasses of wine to that and it's hard for me to remember what I'd been worrying about all day. Enter, today's2nd Annual Curry Cook-Off at the Women's Building on 18th Street in the Mission, like a vision out of my dreams.
What is it, you ask? From 6-8 pm, both professional and amateur chefs of Indian cuisine will be putting their blood, sweat and tears (not literally!) into their curried concoctions to snag your vote for the win. All you have to do is make a $20 suggested donation, cheer them on and get prepared for the all-you-can-eat curries and all-you-can-drink wine extravaganza that follows. There's also a rad silent auction during the event, and prizes include 1 month of unlimited yoga at Mission Yoga, tickets to two of the city's best music venues, and more.
Oh, and did we mention that it's for a great cause? Your donation will help the International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal, an organization that helps victims of a gasleak in India in 1984 seek medical care and reparations.
RSVP to attend here.
Photo via halalhealthy on Flickr.com
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