I have a small problem—I frequently dream up these ambitious projects, usually food related, that have a nasty habit of taking over my life. Just last April, for example, I threw a lamb-themed party (in like a lion, out like a lamb…get it?), and wouldn’t rest until I had ordered lamb-shaped chocolates. I stopped short of buying armloads of sheepskins from Ikea…but only because my girlfriend drew the line in the sand.
OK, so I get carried away. Which probably explains why I’ve spent the last several weeks feverishly baking snowflake-shaped cookies of all sizes, then obsessively decorating them with white and blue icing and sparkly sugar, all so that I can hang them at various heights in the windows of my Victorian. Great idea, right? Well, yeah. I haven’t shed tears over them, yet, but I easily could have.
I know I’m not alone in this peculiar sickness. But sometimes, you’ve got to know when to say when. That’s why I’m heartily endorsing the holiday cupcake decorating kit from Kara’s Cupcakes ($100). Order this kit—2 dozen moist, delicious cupcakes (your choice of flavors, including seasonal specials like peppermint twist), 3 giant piping bags of frosting (again, your choice) and a whole mess of toppings, from sparkles to sprinkles and back again. Invite your friends for cocktails or cocoa, or get this kit for the kids attending the “grown-up” party, and let the DIY spirit reign supreme. Just to be sure it was delicious, we tried one in the office, where it was met with enthusiastic approval (just check out the pic on our A+E editor, Melissa, getting in on the action).
To order your kit, call 415-563-CAKE. For more info, visit karascupcakes.com and click on “holiday.”
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