At last, Apple revealed the newiPhone 6 today during a press conference at their Cupertino headquarters. The highly-anticipated new phone comes in two sizes (the iPhone 6 measures 4.7 inches and the iPhone Plus comes in at 5.5 inches, larger than the iPhone 5s' comparatively puny 4 inches), appears noticeable thinner than ever before, and features super sharp Retina HD screens.
According to SFist, "The iPhone 6 has a 4.7-inch screen and has 1 million pixels in its display, while the iPhone 6 Plus has a 5.5-inch screen and 2 million pixels in its display."
The newest iPhone incarnation also comes with a better camera, a "selfie blast" feature (which allows you to take a slew of self-portraits in one shot), and expanded LTE service. Other new design features include an anodized aluminum back and a glass front that now curves around the side.
The smartphone's new A8 processor, according to Macworld, is "50 percent more energy efficient than the A7, which should translate to better battery life for the 6 and 6 Plus." (But don't hold your breath. Alas, the iPhone battery will always be nothing short of appalling.)
Best of all, the iPhone 6 goes on sale soon. Very soon. CNET notes, "The iPhone 6 goes on sale September 19. in 115 countries starting at $199 with for a version with 16-gigabytes of storage space, under a two-year contract with a cellular carrier. The iPhone 6 Plus starts at $299 for its 16-gigabyte version, $100 more."
See you in line at the Apple Store next Friday, folks.
Oh, the fine folks in Cupertino also revealed a new wrist device. Billed by Apple CEO Tim Cook as "the most personal device we've ever made," it's called the Apple Watch. And it looks phenomenal.
Gizmodo reports, "Considering that Apple's been making a ton of fashion-world hires, it's no surprise that the Apple Watch looks great. No circle screen here, but still we've got a beaut on our hands. It comes in the form of a rounded little rectangle doodad complete with a wide range of replaceable straps."
There are three different models—"from a baseline version to an ultra-luxe 18K gold model." You can choose from six different bands to suit your tastes. And something called "taptic" feedback, according to Macworld, "buzzes your wrist for iPhone notifications, and can even send signals to turn left or right in the watch’s navigation app."
The Apple Watch will be available early next year.
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