Back in April, we told you about Jen Bekman and her amazing art site, 20x200, which sells original artwork at affordable prices. As if low prices weren't enough incentive to jazz up your apartment walls, 20x200 is offering customers an additional 20% off their entire inventory until midnight, Tuesday, June 16. All you have to do is use coupon code RIDONK at checkout, and you get dibs on an unbeatable deal. For more information, check out Jen's blog, which breaks down the details. There are several Bay Area artists featured on the site, including Jessica Snow and Mike Monteiro, whose work is pictured here. As Bekman points out, it's the only site-wide sale of the year, so happy shopping!
In One Ear, Out the Other by Jessica Snow
Untitled (Let's make better mistakes tomorrow) by Mike Monteiro
Untitled (We are going to make it through this year if it kills us) by Mike Monteiro
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