Caltrain has suffered from financial problems for years, but it looks like things are worse than ever. Facing a $30 million deficit at the current level of service, the Caltrain Board of Directors is set to vote on a declaration of fiscal emergency. Before taking action, however, the Board will give riders the opportunity to speak at four community meetings and a public hearing (more details). The proposed cuts include axing all non-weekday commute hour service—meaning the end of mid-day, weekend and post-Giants game service—and cutting service to "up to" 7 stations, including Bayshore, Burlingame, and Santa Clara. They would also need to eliminate some trains from the commute hours and possibly increase the base fare by 25 cents.
The community meeting schedule is as follows:
Monday, February 14: 7pm, San Jose City Hall
200 East Santa Clara St., San Jose, city council chambers
Wednesday, February 16: 6pm, SFMTA
1 South Van Ness, Atrium, San Francisco
Thursday, February 17: 6pm, Gilroy Senior Center
7371 Hanna St., Gilroy
Thursday, February 17: 6pm, San Mateo County Transit District
1250 San Carlos Ave., San Carlos, second floor auditorium
And the public hearing will be held March 3 at the Caltrain Board meeting, 10am at 1250 San Carlos Ave., San Carlos. If you can't make any of these meetings but want to be heard, email comments to changes@caltrain.com.
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