Calling all playwrights: Think you can recreate the dirty mouths and terse dialogue of David Mamet's characters? In conjunction with the West Coast premier of Mamet's latest play, the political satire November A.C.T. is sponsoring its fourth annual David Mamet Writing Contest. The rules are pretty straightforward: Write one scene, three pages max plus an intro, with no more than four characters. Aspiring Mamets have three styles to choose from: retell a moment in US history a la Mamet, write a concession speech a Mamet character would give, or Mamet-fy a politically themed movie, TV show, or play. Submissions are due October 28, and the contest is open to everyone except for David Mamet. The 10 best scripts will be read by students in A.C.T.'s MFA program on November 13, and winners will receive 2 tickets to see November at A.C.T. Inspiration from the film version of Glengarry Glen Ross after the jump.

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