Usually our Craigslist Deal is located in some snazzy part of town everyone ventures to within their first month of moving to the city. But there's so much more to SF than the Marina or the Mish, and if you're a part-time SF State student or visiting professor, we don't want to leave you in the lurch. Also, we hear there are other reasons to love the Taraval area of the Outer Sunset besides its proximity to campus, we're just, um, not that familiar with them. We will say that this lovely apartment might be reason enough to learn more about the far-flung reaches of the 'Set. For a neighborhood that's less than iconic, this place feels like the quintessential SF apartment - except it actually is as pretty as you hoped your first place would be. Wood floors, bay windows, garage parking, and laundry on-site. Yes, please. You can also take a six month lease if you're only around for a semester (or if you're not ready to fully commit to life in the sticks). Spacious Sunset Studio
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