If you're in the market for a studio in the Marina you're in luck, as we saw lots of viable apartments while finding this week's Craigslist deal. We chose this particular space, located on Chestnut about a block away from Fillmore, because it has been recently remodeled and features a more spacious common area than most of the other available places. We like that the kitchen is separate from the bedroom/living area and includes a little nook for a small dining table, so you don't have to eat a foot away from your bed. More snaps for all the storage space in the kitchen (love those white cabinets) and the included dishwasher and microwave. The apartment building also has high-speed internet and laundry on site, plus you're next to Moscone park and Safeway's a quick walk away. All in all, a good deal for $1425 a month. Spectacular Totally Remodeled Marina Studio
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