Looking for the quintessential San Francisco experience? How about living in a stately Victorian with cable cars running right outside your house? That's what you'll get with this week's Craigslist deal, a remodeled studio in Russian Hill. The main room features a high-coved ceiling, refinished hardwood floors, and ample windows that both let in a lot of light and provide a spot for gazing out onto the bustling street below. The kitchen has been decked out with all manner of modern conveniences, from handy dishwasher to our favorite, the beloved garbage disposal.
You'll be right by a small market, and within a stone's throw you'll find laundry, restaurants, and neighborhood ice cream joint Swensen's. Grab a cone, take a stroll around this quiet section of Russian Hill, and soak up city life at its most pleasant. Remodeled Studio in Russian Hill
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