Here's a dilemma we'd be happy to have: how to decorate around sweeping, floor-to-ceiling panoramic views of the city? That was the issue posed to four lucky designers participating in Design Above All, a decorator's showcase going on now at One Rincon Hill. In collaboration with the San Francisco Design Center, area firms Carver+Schicketanz, Eugene Anthony and Associates, Labexperiment, and Donald Joseph Inc. were each responsible for decking out one of four luxury residences located on the 53rd floor of the building. The homes are open to the public through November 1st, and tickets are $20 with proceeds benefitting local charities PAWS, Foodrunners, and At The Crossroads. If you want a little glimpse of what you're in store for before heading down, check out Curbed SF'sview-soaked peek or California Home+Design Magazine's many designer walk-through videos documenting the design and installation process. Oh, and if you simply can't tear yourself away from the beauty, each of the fully-decorated homes will be offered for sale starting from $3.1 to $3.6 million. More info available here.
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