Being a chef, people are constantly surprised by what I eat (or don't eat) over the course of my work week ... to be completely honest, the last thing Iwant to do when I am at work is eat. Being surrounded by food all the time generally makes me very uninterested in having a meal on a daily basis. Here's a list of everything I ate this week.
Monday: My day off. Probably the one day when I actually eat two meals. Usually on Mondays I try and get together with friends, since it's really
the only time I have to go out for a real meal. On this particular day I headed over to Ti Couz for a seafood salad and a Bloody Mary for lunch. Later that evening I went to the 7x7 Eat and Drink awards and scarfed down three pieces of cheese, a bunch of olives and about six slices of salami. Then it was off to Perbacco for burrata and rabbit agnolotti. This is the most I will eat all week.
Tuesday: Always my day from hell. I open at work on Tuesdays and so I go in at 8 a.m.—which is the first problem. I hate getting up early, it always throws me out of whack and I generally cannot consume anything much before 2 p.m.. Between 8 a.m. and 7:30 pm when I leave work I eat:one chocolate chip cookie and one cup of staff meal, which consists of chicken in barbecue sauce and rice. After work I head off to see Wicked and sit through the show pretty much starving. I end the day with a double cheeseburger, onion rings and a diet coke from Burger King...it's delicious!
Wednesday: Around 2 p.m. I have my first "meal" which was a half a pint of seafood gumbo from Arlequin. Then after work I went off to a friends house to watch Top Chef, where I ate five potstickers, ten bites of seven-layer dip with tortilla chips and three pieces of sushi. After that it was off to bed...still hungry.
Thursday: This day is kind of a blur, because I think I actually drank more than I ate. For lunch it was staff meal—some sort of red colored chicken (my guys are obsessed with achiote paste) and salad with a peanut dressing. Not terrible. I generally eat about a pint container of food at each of those staff meal feedings. Then after I got out of work I went out, drank too much tequila and went home to a frozen Jamaican beef patty and a slice of American cheese.
Friday: Lunch was a pint container of pasta with garlic, chilies and parsley with a ton of Sriracha. This is a staple of our staff meals—it always makes an appearance. I also drink a grape flavored kombucha as I am expediting. That night at work we got slammed and I had no time to even eat again. I missed the night time staff meal and ended up going home not even remotely caring that I barely ate, because I was so tired.
So there you have it, a typical Monday through Friday work week. Notice how I have no lunch breaks or a moment to sit down and have a meal. I think it helps me maintain my small frame—being a chef is a great way to lose weight: running around, working all the time, barely eating...who knows, it may become a new diet regime! But, somehow I think the Burger King at 1 a.m. is definitely working against me.
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