It's no secret that wallpaper has been making a major comeback in the last few years, and nowhere is the medium's progression more apparent than at locally operated online boutique Ferm Living. They're selection from designers around the world is truly inspired, and each style works almost like a piece of art to dramatically transform a room. If you've been contemplating adding a wallpapered accent wall or decal to liven up your space, now may be the perfect time; the online boutique is currently in the midst of a Close Out Sale. They've got about six styles of beautiful wallpaper to choose from and wall stickers varying from 70's funkadelic styles to elegantly falling leaves, with many items priced at over 50% off. You can also count on free shipping for orders over $30 - a nice incentive when buying heavy rolls of paper. See the full selection of sale items and find out how to order online at the Ferm Living blog.
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