Shpongle, the legendary international production project created by producers Simon Posford and Raja Ram, is bringing their ambitious and mysterious Masquerade Tour to San Francisco's Warfield this Friday, October 5th. And get ready for some heady madness, because The Masquerade Tour is tricked out with the latest innovative stage production techniques featuring the sole DJ work of Posford to transport concertgoers into another world: the parallel and ephemeral universe of Shpongleland.
You think you've seen it all when it comes to live shows in the Bay Area? Lucid Technology provided the technical knowhow and shared vision of Posford and Ram to create one of the most innovative and surreal stage and light show designs ever deployed on a tour. The technology, known as GLYPH (Graphics and Lighting Interface for Projection Holograms) has been called by observers as “next level DJ Booth that could be a set piece out of some fantastic SciFi about the future.” The mix of design, software, and lighting produces a “3-Dimensional sculpture” with “panels that glow and dance with light.” Want a visual taste? Glimpses of the technology in action can be viewed here.
Musical masterminds Simon Posford and Raja Ram are the perfect tour guides for the exploration into the unclassifiable music frontiers they have ventured into with Shpongle. They're inviting you to a new world of traditional sounds, acoustic guitars, Moroccan drums, Turkish operatic singing, cello, double bass, backing vocals and silver flute blended together with the computer wizardry of Simon Posford's studio production.
Get tickets for their Warfield show tomorrow, October 5th here!
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