Is that an SF I spy among the Warriors new set of logos for the 2014-2015 season?
Tuesday, the Golden State Warriors announced a whole new set of logos to be used for the upcoming basketball season, among them a revamped SF-logo from the 1960s. The logos seem to be the next step in the team's greatly contested move across the Bay Bridge to San Francisco. Back in April, the Warriors announced that they bought a plot of land from Salesforce in Mission Bay to be used as the site for a high-tech new $700M arena, they're expected to change their name to the San Francisco Warriors before their move in 2017.
As an Oakland resident, I feel a little thrown to the side in favor of our more prosperous neighbor by a team whose main fanbase has always been in The Town—I've never seen anyone in The City sporting Warriors gear. The East Bay is Warriors Ground, and I'm not sure SF-ers will be jumping on the badwagon.
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