Apparently, you needn't travel the 5,000 miles over the Atlantic to get a taste of the Scottish Highlands; rather, hop in your car and drive the hour and a half to Sacramento 'burb Woodland this weekend instead.
The two-day Scottish Games & Festival, put on by the Caledonia Club of Sacramento, will kick off at 9am tomorrow with an opening ceremony by the Montrose Army and flag raising by the Prince Charles Pipe Band. A day-long sheep dog trials will follow. The weekend's festivities are many: Engage in haggis hurling (just don't ask what's actually in haggis), mingle with native Scottish animals like the Highland Cattle (or "Heilan 'Coos" are they're called in Scotland), learn more about the history behind the real Highland Games, and watch musical performances and athletic contests galore.
After Saturday's activities have come to a close, take part in one of Scotland's favorite pastimes, a ceilidh dance, from 5 to 10pm at the Crown & Thistle Pub. Ceilidh tickets are $15 for adults, $7 for children 11 and under and include a BBQ dinner
All events will take place at the Yolo County Fairgrounds in Woodland (20 miles northwest of Sacramento). Day tickets at the gate are $12-$17 for adults, $8-$12 for senior citizens 60 and older, and $4-$6 for children 11 and under. Event parking is $4 a vehicle. For more information, log onto the Caledonia Club website.
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