In an effort to honor summer, the good folks at It's-It released a new flavor: pumpkin! Why not. Sure, it's more of an autumn flavor; but in a city riddled with gastronomic snobs, it's nice to see a bold flavor move from the Bay Area-based ice cream sandwich makers.
Also, as noted over at The Bold Italic, they relased a strawberry version of the popular treat this June. So fear not, seasonal purists.
For those not in the know, the It's-It—a single scoop of vanilla ice cream pressed between two oatmeal cookies and dipped in dark chocolate—was invented by George Whitney, who owned San Francisco's Playland at the Beach when it opened across the Great Highway from Ocean Beach. The iconic sandwich was only available at Playland until it closed in 1972. Since then, thank god, it's been ubiquitos along the West coast.
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