If there were a time to venture to Berkeley, it would be now. 1809B Fourth Street to be exact. Amidst the promenade, lives sustainable clothing and accessory boutique, Convert. They do innovative eco things and the latest involves LA-based shoe designer Jeffrey Campbell and dead-stock fabrics.
The Jeffrey Campbell for Convert collection is very much alive and available exclusively at Convert. It's the spring shoe solution for those craving do-good style. Five designs — four flats and one platform — are fashioned from biodegradable fiber, jute, and glue, all free of animal products. Vintage-inspired yet modern, the hot cake will surely be the cut-out black and ivory 'Prospect' oxfords, while the Mexicana 'Mention Stripe' flat is ideal for Saturday strolls. The hefty 'Virgo' platform is fit for the style trooper. Prices range from $98-$108, for more information visit Convert's website.
Samantha Durbin (sami.7x7@gmail.com) is a lifestyle writer who honed her blogging skills as Editor of FabSugar.com. Samantha graduated from The Fashion Institute of Technology, also writes for San Francisco magazine and shares her musings via her poly-blog network, led by SFonFire.
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