Say hello to your new timesuck. Last week, Mashable reported on “I Know Where Your Cat Lives,” a site that culls metadata from the over 15 million available geotagged images tagged with “cat” on social media sharing sites and places them on a world map. It is truly pussy galore.
Started by Owen Mundy, an associate professor of art at Florida State University, the site serves as both ultimate Internet clickbait and creepy messenger: Look at all the data readily available online pinpointing your exact location, or, rather your feline’s. These kitties are here to remind you that privacy is dead. The beast featured above, for example, lives on the Île-de-France in Paris, and he is quietly judging you as only a French cat can.
To keep the site up and running, there’s a Kickstarter (of course there is) to raise $2,500 to defray the cost of servers. In exchange for your money, donors can receive branded beer cozies, catnip toys, and a poster, depending on the amount you give.
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