Although they're not really on my radar, it's actually become difficult to escape any mention of Phish's three-day takeover of Berkeley's Greek Theatre this weekend. And because the shows sold out months ago in approximately five minutes, many "phans" too spaced out to click a few buttons (and others who tried and failed because of an overwhelmed Ticketmaster server) missed another chance to see Phish---otherwise known as the second coming of the Grateful Dead.
Now Phish phans are coming out of the woodwork from all over the Bay Area and beyond, projecting their desperation for all the interwebs to see. As usual, Craigslist is a particular goldmine for fanmen and women pleading for a chance to see their gods jam on stage. And as the first show approaches tonight, their anguish is tangible.
Tickets were originally sold for $50. Currently, some are offering $200 and even $300 for one ticket. One coloful post claims they're selling a friends' lungs, kidneys, spleen and a three-day pass to the Greek Theater performances for no less than $900. "A serious offer is over $900 for the set," they say. Others are taking the "I got what you want" approach. One couple is offering cash, grass, ass and even a Saturday ticket for two tickets to tonight's performance. Some are saying simply "Text me what you want, I got you, $420", "Need Phish, have WEED" or "$125 each plus your choice of party favors". Ooh la la!
One especially clever member of our team snagged four tickets as soon as they went on sale. He set up an email account just for his Craigslist endeavours, and has received over 200 offers for his bounty. So far he's sold three tickets at quadruple the price each, and has been offered drugs, a saxophone, a guitar, a glass beer stein and even hate mail from phans claiming the band would disapprove.
I would love to be near the Greek Theatre tonight to witness the misery these rabid, ticket-less phans are in, but I also wish them all luck. It's tough knowing you're probably not going to get to see your favorite band play a killer show.....again.
Photo via hlkljgk on Flickr.com
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