For the first time in This House Cray history, we found a house that's literally cray.
Here are the specs:
Asking Price: $899,000
Bedrooms: 5
Bathrooms: 2
Square feet: 2,680 square feet
Built: 1870
But how cray is it really, you say? Well, not only does the current decor look like the most refined Hoarders set of all time (that kitchen picture just gave me botulism, and the attic is unfinished), but it's also a historical landmark as one of Bayview's oldest buildings. Which you can own for a meager (ha!) $899,000.
And the residents –allegedly – were slightly cray-cray as well. Legend has it the two Quinn sisters who lived there in the 1950's lived on separate floors. And when they got in a fight, the downstairs sister, being the discerning diva she was, painted only her half of the house, stopping right at the second story window. Okay, maybe not so much cray, as fierce as hell. Who knows, maybe it will rub off? You can find out for just under $1M.
See all the 'This House Cray' homes here!
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