If someone's recently suggested that you "put a bird on it," it's likely they've fallen for Portlandia, the hilarious new IFC series that pokes fun at our neighbor to the north. We know San Francisco can give Portland a run for its plaid shirts on this whole self-parody thing, so we're on the hunt for SanFranlandia items ripe for the teasing. Seen a fixed gear bike swim against the stream on The Wiggle? Listened in on an attachmnent parenting conversation at Cafe Gratitude? Been collateral damage of a coffee war? We want to hear about it in the comments or at tips@7x7.com.
We'll be posting a series of SanFranlandia items as they come in (photos, overheards, videos), starting with this gem from VeganKitchenTV. We love our vegans and all, but watching these two dissect a vegan Paxti's pizza is straight sketch comedy.
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