Here's an excerpt from a new Veterans Mural being painted in Shannon Alley between Jones and Taylor in the Tenderloin.
"And they can teach us how to make peace with ourselves and each other, so we never have to use violence to resolve conflicts again" - Thich Nhat Hanh.
A detail shot of a new mural.
The whole project was organized by Amos Lee Gregory, a veteran himself. His vision was for this alley to be a place where veterans have a permanent voice and presence within the community. The SF veterans' mural project aims to work with all veterans regardless of discharge status, gender, sexual orientation, theater of conflict or time period served.
Here's the facebook page: SF Vets Mural Project.
War veteran Bryan Parker paints the memorial to Reuben Chip Santos.
The hope is to change the alley from its current state into a truly inspirational part of the city.
Volunteers help out with every little detail.
A work in progress.
A memorial to Reuben Chip Santos.
If you're interested in painting the alley or know someone who is, any veteran worldwide will have an opportunity to propose and paint their own mural. If you have questions please contact Amos Lee Gregory Jr. here- and find more info at their website
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