Yesterday, there was some big news. And it was amazing.
The news was that Smuggler's Cove, Martin Cate's new Tiki bar is set to open to the public on December 8 in the old Jade Bar space.
Why was the news amazing? Because that date is pretty much right on the target that he set for himself when he announced the new project back in June. How often does that happen? If Cate's bar is run in nearly as orderly and well-planned a fashion as its conception and execution, it should be a very successful place.
No doubt Cate's feeling a little heat. After all, the hype--in part expertly generated by Cate--has been through the roof. I know I've played my own immoderate role, even going as far as predicting that Smuggler's Cove would be "the greatest tiki bar on earth." I also know that he's going to rack up quite a bit of national press for this, so the pressure is on.
So we shall see. But there's one advantage Martin has in living up to expectations--anything looks fine after you've had enough Mai Tais.
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