Welcome to our weekly 'Stuff We Like' blog, where 7x7 editors talk about...stuff we like.
1. Mark Morford's Yoga Classes
Most people know Mark Morford as an outspoken, often-hilarious social commentator who writes for SFGate. But he’s also a kick-arse yoga instructor, and I mean he teaches the best yoga class I’ve ever done. It’s a vinyasa-flow class at Yoga Tree in the Castro on Mondays and Wednesdays at 4:30pm. The room is huge (good thing, because it’s crowded), very warm (but not hot), and the poses are flowing and active, not beginner but definitely not super-advanced. And his music! It’s amazing how he creates a mix that percusses in the background, setting the right pace without either distracting or boring you. You stretch deeply, work up a huge sweat, and leave all aglow. Markmorfordyoga.com. -Robin Rinaldi

2. Popovers at Wayfare Tavern
There will be a lot of talk about Wayfare Tavern in the coming weeks, but let me just come right out of the gate and say that the popovers they give you at the beginning of the meal? The warm, freshly baked popovers, accompanied by a ramekin of sweet butter at just the right temperature for spreading? Those are very, very good.” -Jessica Battilana
3.I Am Love
I finally saw I Am Love at The Kabuki. It’s like a beautiful, intellectual bodice ripper. Not to mention if I’m going to watch someone have an orgasm over a shrimp, I’d choose Tilda over Padma any day. As the Times said, it’s the perfect flick for an afternoon “wet and wasted” or in our case foggy and wasted. Women go see it. Men: See it only if you intend to take up cooking and a sensitive nature. -Sara Deseran
4. Veggie Pho at Jasmine Garden
For the perfect vegetarian pho fix, I turn to Jasmine Garden off of Church & Market on 14th Street. Their vegetarian pho is absolutely perfect. It has tender baby bok choy, mushrooms, tofu, broccoli, carrots and crispy fried garlic floating in a golden brown broth that makes me forget about missing meat. The waiters are attentive the price is so, so right. Sure, I feel like dying right afterwards because I've slurped it down so fast, but after 15 minutes I feel like conquering the world. - Laura Mason
5. Hookers Sweet Treats Cafe
Once upon a time it was a cloudy Monday at 3:00 p.m and things were dragging a bit. I took a walk to the new Hookers Sweet Treats Cafe on Hyde and O'Farrell and had two salted caramels and a Sightglass coffee. Then life was grand again. Go there immediately for the ultimate pick-me-up. The End. -Jennifer Pollock
6. Chan Luu's Wrap Bracelets
Kate Hudson is doing it, Lady Gaga is doing it, and now, I’m doing it too. If you haven’t already heard, jewelry designer Chan Luu’s signature wrap bracelets have quite a celebrity cult following. Ever since I got my hands on the brown leather/sterling silver nugget/green freshwater pearl version, I haven’t been able to take it off. I’ve been using it to dress up a t-shirt and jeans or add an edge to a summer dress and heels. I’m not exactly the Tiffany’s type, so Luu’s effortlessly chic, handmade pieces are the perfect addition to my more bohemian taste. Now through August, she’s got an exclusive, limited edition collection at our very own Edition by Banana Republic outpost in the Westfield Center. Get yours before they hit stores nationwide. -Allison McCarthy
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