Welcome to our weekly 'Stuff We Like' blog, where 7x7 editors talk about...stuff we like.
1. Out the Door Chicken Buns
There are few things that bring me more joy than a steamed chicken bun from Out the Door. If you think that's a pathetic statement then you've clearly never had these buns. Lately, I've been smuggling them into the Kabuki for the perfect foggy-day movie snack. And word on the street is that the Ferry Building Out the Door sold mini chicken buns two weeks ago for $1 a pop. Although they commented that it was just a "one time deal," I really hope they'll be repeating this. It's a beautiful thing when $1 gets you a little slice of heaven. Here's the recipe. -Jennifer Pollock
2. Bar Tartine's Fig-Walnut Anchoiade
Last Friday I had dinner at Bar Tartine. The burger and the omelet are always solid, but it was the fig-walnut anchoiade—heady with garlic and a touch sweet—that I couldn’t stop eating. They serve it with radishes and turnips for dipping, along with Tartine bread, but I can think of a million uses for this new favorite condiment. -Jessica Battilana
3. Writing Classes at The Grotto
I know a few folks who have taken writing classes at The Grotto, and they have nothing but praise for the environment and the caliber of teachers and students. They’re led by experienced, published local writers and they cover ever level and genre. I’ve decided I’m signing up for Rachel Howard’s “Memoir 101” class in September. Other upcoming classes include a Personal Essay Workshop with best-selling author Laura Fraser; a short-story workshop with Elizabeth Bernstein; and a book proposal workshop with Katie Crouch, among many others. - Robin Rinaldi
4. Back-to-School Warehouse Sale
I’m obsessed with Chronicle Books. If I had the space (and the money), I’d have a floor-to-ceiling library filled with its smartly designed titles. From Kerouac’s You’re a Genius All the Time to According to the Rolling Stones, my nice-to-haves just keep growing. Lucky for me—and anyone else with a passion for literature—this weekend marks the Back-to-School Warehouse Sale. With everything going for 65 percent off, you can be sure I’ll check at least of few of these off my wish list. And, I hear that Ironside and American Grilled Cheese Kitchen are offering 10 percent off with proof of purchase. Suddenly, my Saturday is looking up. (Details: Thursday, 8/5 – Friday, 8/6, 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.; Saturday, 8/7, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.; Chronicle Books, 680 Second St., 415-537-4200, chroniclebooks.com) —Allison McCarthy
5. The 14L
I know it's extremely uncool to actually appreciate Muni, but anytime I need to be somewhere fast, the 14 Limited saves my life. It's almost as quick as driving a car, and the operators are like racecar drivers, always weaving around stopped cars or slow-pokes like the 14 or 49 buses anytime they get in the way. And I think it moves too fast for all the crazies because it's smooth sailing all up and down Mission Street. - Laura Mason
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