The ice cream truck is no longer reason to scream: It the waffle truck now—on tour all the way from Belgium. The Waffle Mania truck parks itself at the Civic Center Heart of the City Farmers Market on Wednesdays from 8 am to 2 pm and the lines can be long. Some have ordered 12 at a time; bloggers protested when the waffle truck was absent one morning; and according to co-owner Derby, Michelle Williams, of the defunct Destiny's Child, is one of their fans.

Unlike some waffles, these hot cakes are made from dough, not batter, making for a crisp crust and a moist center, more reminiscent of a caramelized brioche than a standard US waffle. Derby also credits their appeal to a key ingredient: pearl sugar, which is derived from beets and arrives from the Belgian company, So Good, mixed into the ready-made dough. I think they're best straight-up. When it comes to toppings, take it with powdered, not whipped.
Rumor has it that Waffle Mania will be setting up a permanent storefront at Pier 39 in the coming months.
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