When my fiancé first suggested I try a boxing class, I protested that I liked my nose and had yet to decide on the name of my WrestleManiaesque alter ego. Thankfully, the beginner and cardio boxing classes at HIT FIT SF don’t require headgear. Or body slams.
"Our classes here at HIT FIT SF are designed to teach you authentic boxing skills and to give you an amazing all body workout in just 60 minutes," HIT FIT SF co-founder (and 1999 Golden Glove champion) Simon Redmond explains. “With drills designed to strengthen your upper body, legs, and core, combined with our heart-pounding boxing and circuit training, we will help you take your conditioning to the next level in a fun and engaging class.”
Before Redmond launched into our first lesson, the Jab (aka, "the one” in boxing jargon), he had the entire class warm up by jumping rope. This onetime fun game associated with fifth-grade recess, when done at a rapid and consistent pace, becomes a wildly sweat-generating activity. After three minutes of hardcore jumping, it was time to drop the rope and don some gloves. Whew. An hour after hearing “One, two, pivot, three, four, three” over and over and over, I found myself effortlessly able to react with the correct combination of punches and corresponding footwork.
“It is a combination of mechanics, technique, and sweat,” our trainer Pablo explained.
Once gloved up, Pablo broke down the four basic punches in boxing; the jab (one), the cross (two), the hook (three), and the uppercut, (four). At the methodical cadence of Pablo, we worked with partners to drill the techniques home, doing our best to echo his melody with the oddly-enjoyable sound of hitting our partners’ gloved hands.
Improvement is a driving force at HIT FIT SF. No matter the class, Simon and his bullpen of accredited trainers are the driving forces behind your workout, pushing you to hone your technique and work that much harder. And work harder you will once Simon singles you out in the middle of class using his thick Irish accent. “Our trainers will show you authentic boxing combinations and foot work drills and then let you unleash those skills on our 20 heavy bags,” says Simon.
While I am eons away from being a real Golden Glove contender, a coveted titled earned not only by Simon but by many of his staff, I have since invested in a fashionably fierce pair of gloves and look forward to conquering Cardio Boxing next. The ultimate goal? Surviving one of HIT FIT SF’s intensive, four-week bootcamps, where the before and after photos speak for themselves.
Your first class is free at HIT FIT SF, located at 2345 Harrison. Drop in rates start at $25 a class with discounted packages and monthly memberships available.
- Beginner classes can borrow boxing gloves and jump ropes.
- Water is available for purchase and towels are available to rent if you don’t bring your own. Towel service is complimentary for members.
- Expect classes to include core work on the mats, dress accordingly.
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