Valencia Street is an eclectic mix of coffee houses, restaurants, bars, and boutiques—but for some special and sometimes hidden treats, just go a few blocks off the main drag.
For affordable, fresh, and locally sourced flowers, check out Ampersand’s charming little space. Whether you want a custom creation or an expert arrangement, shop-keepers Ben & Emerson won’t disappoint. 80 Albion Street at 16th
In this Victorian-inspired space clothes are organized by color and personal care products can be found in a repurposed claw-foot bathtub. Find brands like Lafco, Dolce Vita, and RGB here. 3187 16th Street at Guerrero
This warm, wood-paneled shop is stacked with quality, stylish (and sometimes even waterproof), constructed backpacks, jackets, shirts, and shoes appropriate for the outdoors, the office, and everyday. 40 Rondel Place at 16th
In need of California Western-inspired furniture? How about sun-stained vintage postcards? For the best selection of other peoples’-trash-turned-treasure, check out The Apartment for truly unique furnishings and knick-knacks. 3469 18th Street at Lexington
Hand-picked vintage jewelry, SF-inspired tea towels, and amethyst air plant crystals are just a few of the many gems you can find in Wallflower’s funky, feminine, light-soaked space. 2391 Mission Street at 20th
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