Andrew Kenny is one of those people where everything he touches turns to gold, and his newest music adventure, The Wooden Birds, is no exception to the rule. The former singer/songwriter of American Analog Set fame, or AmAnSet for super-groupies, has compiled a new batch of Austin-based lo-fi indie musicians to carry on the same mellow melodies that put him on the map. While similar, the most obvious differences between AmAnSet and The Wooden Birds is the heavy percussion section and the breathy, yet beautiful harmonies supplied by Leslie Sisson. Putting on a stellar performance last night at The Rickshaw Stop, soft-spoken Kenny headed up his just-formed group to blow through their entire new album Magnolia in just over an hour. They even featured a few covers including, crowd and fan favorite, AmAnSet’s, The Kindness of Strangers. With big music names like Pitchfork calling their new album “tasteful” and “heart-grabbing,” let’s just say this is an impressive start for these talented musicians and we can’t wait to see the new material they come up with when they stop by again in the fall.
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