Despite heroic efforts by Lil B's taskforce, he will not perform at the 2013 Grammy Awards (he was nominated in CBS' "Gig of a Lifetime" contest). Tears. [via Pitchfork]
Oakland post-punk outfit Wax Idols unveiled a moody, new track from their upcoming album Discipline & Desire called "AD RE:IAN". We're digging the intense of the vocals and airtight riffage we've heard so far! [via email PR land]
New Berkeley resident Toro Y Moi began streaming his newest LP Anything in Return. Slap it on during any house party and you'll have people dancing in your living room. [via Pitchfork]
San Francisco's best songwriter Sonny Smith released his last installment in his 100 Records series (where he came up with 100 imaginary 7" singles by imaginary bands with original cover art). 100 Records: Volume Three is out Polyvinyl Records in an extremely limited edition run, so grab it now. [via Polyvinyl]
Local lo-fi LP slangers Burger Records are embarking on an ambitious project to release a cassette tape every day in January, so all you people who still collect cassettes (I know I still do), consider your prayers answered. Check out their full cassette calendar here. [via Burger Reocrds]
Bernal Hill's newest (revamped) watering hole the Lucky Horseshoe aim to bring more live music to Cortland Street. They redid their stage area, got new lights and a sound system and procured a coveted entertainment license. Bernalwood dwellers rejoice! [via SF Weekly]
Christopher Owens' solo debut Lysandre finally dropped and was reviewed everywhere. Read what the critics had to say at Consequence of Sound, the LA Times, Pitchfork, and beyond (you'll just have to Google the rest).
Just in time for Sunday's game, SF Weekly put together a list of the best 49ers-related rap songs to pump at your victory party when we beat the Falcons. [via SF Weekly]
San Jose rapper Antwon teamed with Friendzone again and dropped a new track entitled "Automatic". Stop whatever you're doing and listen to it right now. [via The Bay Bridged]
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