Get out and enjoy what nature has to offer under the guidance of ranger and photographer Craig Solin who is leading MacroPhotography at Stafford Lake on Saturday. The short photo hike is the perfect opportunity to learn about the beauty of the Bay while picking up new photography tricks. If you have questions, email Ranger Solin at CSolin@marinounty.org. 10 am @ Area 2 park Lot, Stafford Lake Park 3549 Novato Blvd., Novato,CA
The first meeting in an ongoing series, head over to Whole Foods in Novato for The Basics of Backyard Beekeeping–a free event the first Saturday of each month with the hopes of demistifying bee keeping and raising awareness about the devastating effects of colony collapse disorder. In partnership with the Marin Bee Company, the Beekeeping Workshops will get you dressed up in beekeeping gear and helping out with tending the hives, harvesting honey and learning bee basics. 11 am @790 DeLong Ave. Novato
Slow down and enjoy the beauty of soft words during An Afternoon with Robert Haas, an award winning poet and current UC Berkeley professor. Haas will read from his new book What Light Can Do: Essays on Art, Imagination and the Natural World. The event is a benefit for Point Reyes Books with an optional post-event reception with Robert. 3 pm @ Dance Palace 503 B St. Point Reyes, CA
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