True, it's pumpkin paraphernalia that now graces the aisles of Walgreens, but in 7x7-land, we're already brainstorming on December. And in thinking about the holidays, we've decided to celebrate the local charity you think is doing the best work out there.
So for the next week, we're accepting nominations for your favorite San Francisco-based charities (the organization must be a 501 (C)(3) and based in San Francisco). Because it's the Season of Giving, we'll give each of the top seven charities with the most votes $700 (we're really into sevens, if you haven't noticed).
Here's how it will work:
-Nominate your favorite charities here until October 1
-On October 5, we'll put all of the nominated charities up for voting
-October 12 we'll reveal the top 7 charities with the most votes. We will give each of these charities $700
-Each Tuesday from October 19 to November 30, we'll profile each of the top 7 charities on
-On December 1, we'll reveal the charity with the most votes, an organization we'll be highlighting in our February issue as a "Charity You Love."
*Please nominate charities by emailing us here.
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