If you’re not a trials rider or a fan of X-Games biking, you may never have heard of Danny MacAskill. I hadn’t — until this video of him stunt riding around San Francisco was released this week. Now I’ve fallen into the wormhole that is YouTube trials bike videos.
But this one—Danny MacAskill vs. San Francisco — is by far the best.
Not only is it a gorgeous four-minute film filled with incredible stunts, big jumps, and wheelies; it’s also a gorgeous vignette of San Francisco. With shots of ocean views, foggy hillsides, and epic downhills, our city is as much the star as MacAskill. And from his bike seat, we get a whole new, not to mention incredibly beautiful, view of San Francisco.
MacAskill rides the railings along Twin Peaks—an epic trick, but made more incredible by the stunning background behind him. He hops around Civic Center, creating what is likely the most beautiful thing to happen in that square since the fountain was built. And his waterfront tricks just plain make you proud to live in this city.
So whether you’re a fan of trials riding (bmx stunt riding, but on a mountain bike), or just a lover of San Francisco, give this little video a look. And chances are, you’ll find yourself smiling at the city just a bit more today—especially if you’re on your bike.
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