One popular symptom of parking denial rationalization syndrome occurs on holidays. It looks like this: "The banks are closed, the post office and all other government offices are closed, DPT parking officers are government employees, so they don't have to work, so, parking restrictions are not in effect on Columbus Day and I can park ticket-free all day. Right?"
Holidays are workdays for DPT officers. And with those officers knowing the rules and most drivers not knowing the rules, Columbus Day is an easy day to give out scores of tickets, which will add literally another half a million dollars to the MUNI fund.
Here is what's enforced and what's not enforced:
Monday September 8, 2012
SF Parking Enforcement Schedule:
What Is Not Enforced:
- Commuter Tow-Away Zones (ex. No Parking 3 p.m. -7 p.m. Commuter Lane)
- Residential Permit Zones
- M-F Daytime Street Sweeping (ex. Street Sweeping Mondays 8 a.m.-10 a.m.)
What Is Enforced on Columbus Day
- 7-Day Street Sweeping (ex. Street Sweeping 1:00 a.m. - 2:00 a.m. Every Day)
- All Parking Meters
This seems pretty straight forward, but there is one time and place where it's easy to make an expensive mistake:
7-day street sweeping always occurs at night and the sign will say "7 Days", or "Every Day." If you are out on Sunday night, remember that at 12:00 a.m., it becomes Monday. So take a minute to think about it and check the signs for 100 feet when you park.
For your own downloadable copy of the DPT Holiday Enforcement Schedule, click here.
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