The time has come again. Men will be in skin-tight bodysuits (for the mere reason of air-resistance, of course) and performers in glittery outfits galore. Yes, the Winter Olympics 2010 festivities are nearing, and Ghirardelli Square seems to be as excited as we are! Starting February 12, they're holding themed activities that will reassure your embarrassing obsession.
Halloween is no longer the only day of the year where you can dress up as Apolo Ohno and get candy for it. The Pub will have a viewing party of the Opening Ceremonies on February 12. Viewers are encouraged, and even rewarded, for dressing up as your favorite Olympic tribute. The prize? Gold, Silver, and Bronze shot specials. Genius.
Does all that skiing make you want to race down the slopes yourself? On February 17 and 24, The Pub will be hosting trivia nights where they'll test how much you know about snow—a series of quiz games all about past Olympic games and athletes. Lift tickets to Alpine Meadows is an intriguing incentive to sharpen your blades of knowledge.
This one is a bit odd, but hey it's free. Don't miss the opportunity to "Wax and Dine" on February 18 and 25, where folks from Lombardi Sports will generously wax your skis or board while you eat.
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