Be sure not to involuntarily make a donation of $72 or more to SFMTA on the 4th of July…or on the 5th of July.
What is Not Enforced the 4th of July 2013:
Commuter Tow-Away
Residential Permit 2/4 Hour Areas
M-F Daytime Street Sweeping
What is Enforced the 4th of July 2013:
All Parking Meters
Daily (7-day) street-sweeping parking restrictions, such as on Market Street
The 5th of July (also known as Friday)
It may be a day off for many of you and feel like a holiday, but it isn't in the eyes of the SFMTA. It's just a regular Friday. Everything is enforced as usual on Friday July 5th.
David LaBua is 7x7's Parking Guru and the founder of VoicePark.