Emerging LA-based dance company kDub hits the Mission this weekend with Fruit. Choreographed by Kevin Williamson, this dance-theater mash-up promises intense physicality and a very Eve in the Garden of Eden vibe. (Yes, that means lots of apples.)
Six dancers crawl through the space between body and spirit, investigating the cracks in our relationships with one another - and what happens to those cracks when sex enters the equation. Human sexuality is rarely clear-cut and, when paired with people’s thoughts and feelings, makes for a raw and combustible combination. Set to electronic and acoustic music, the floor-pounding choreography mixes with Williamson's investigation of clashing desires and beliefs, making Fruit a lively evening. The apples may or may not make it out alive.
Link video: http://kdubdance.org/media/
June 17-18. Counterpulse, 1310 Mission Street. Tickets are $20 at 800-838-3006 or counterpulse.org