A look at the cozy space of lumber queen Aleksandra Zee, who wields wood into the highly covetable geometric triangles and rectangular panels seen at Monk's Kettle, Intermix, and other creative spaces around the city. The woodworker emphasizes, however, that her living space—shared with musician boyfriend Antrom Kury of SF band Eyes on the Shore and their dog Jack—rather than her workspace, is where her inspiration lies.
“Where I live, sleep, and dream is where my inspiration is born, so keeping it calm and inspiring is very important to me," says Zee.
Walking into her creative sanctuary, the same fundamentals of Zee's art appear in her home—composed, organic elements that blend seamlessly into each other, narrating tales of desert roaming escapades.
See for yourself.
Zee relaxes in her living room with her dog, Jack. She divulges that a sense of order is necessary for peace of mind.
Roused by treks through the desert, Zee incorporates elements that are reminiscent of her travels to stimulate creativity.
With thoughtful consideration in décor, Zee blends white and neutral tones, getting rid of “anything clutter.”
With woodworking chops, most of Zee's furniture is created by herself or her studio mate, Kate Gong.
Adorned with artwork from friends, Zee says her home provides inspiration; and hopes her work lives the same way in other homes.
Statement decor consists of combining modern clean lines with rustic wood and raw materials.
With very carefully purposefully pieces, every piece in Zee's home has a place and a story.
Zee snoozes in her white curtain paneled lair teeming with natural light.
Bedtime bliss consists of layering: mixed muted patterns and extra pillows.
Zee's bed: simple and comfy with Gravel and Gold pillows "because who doesn't like a nice pair of boobies to fall asleep on?"
As a lover of oldies with a musician for a boyfriend, Zee maintains a hefty, "very carefully curated" selection of vinyls.
Zee and her boyfriend's shared collection (obsession) of hats garnish the bedroom wall in a row.
Zee's pastel toned kitchen, replete with plants taking in the airy ambiance.
The kitchen booth was found and lugged a few blocks by Zee's old roomie. It just happened to fit perfectly in her new kitchen.