Just a block from the Monteleone was the famed Acme Oyster House, purveyor of New Orleans seafood since 1910. I stole over there one day by myself for lunch and sat at the bar for an oyster po'boy. Gulf oysters are not my favorite--a little big and mushy for my taste--but they're good when baked, sautéed or, in this case, fried. Despite the sandwich's almost ideal appearance, I didn't love it. Even a whole layer of extra dill pickles didn't save it from being a little bland and soft.

You will also notice the beer (Abita) in a plastic cup. Plastic cups are ubiquitous in New Orleans because, I believe, you are allowed to walk around with alcohol in your hand. So, say, you scarf down your oyster po'boy before you've even finished your beer, but you have to dash back to attend a seminar on the history of drink in Canada (yes, there was such a seminar). You can just take that beer right on with you.