The de Young Museum and Precita Eyes muralists have teamed up to bring a bit of the Mission to Cultural Encounters: Friday Nights at the de Young. The partnership kicks off this Friday, November 6, starting at 5pm with a free book launch party for Street Art San Francisco: Mission Muralismo, a photographic archive of some of the Mission's most vibrant and notable murals, edited by Annice Jacoby with a foreword by Carlos Santana. The party will feature poetry, music, and a talk given by the book's editor. Founded in 1977, Precita Eyes is a community arts center on 24th Street (at Harrison) in the Mission, and is one of three mural-specific community arts centers in the US. The center offers art classes for youth and adults in the neighborhood, using mural art as a way to encourage creative experimentation and community collaboration. The center also offers private and public tours of the Mission's murals.