One of San Francisco's most campy, time-honored traditions returns to the Castro Theatre December 1-5. If you've never experienced Sing-A-Long Sound of Music, get thee to the theatre's gilded auditorium for one (or five) of the drunken, rambunctious screenings of this stone-cold classic, which celebrated its 45th anniversary this year. Another great reason to go? It's supposed to rain most of the weekend.
Shown in widescreen with subtitles so you can pretend you know every word to "The Lonely Goatherd" instead of just the yodels, don't be surprised to find yourself in a theatre full of Julie Andrews super fans in leiderhosen or Maria dresses practicing their scales or covertly drinking from flasks stashed in their knee socks.
Admission is $15, and $10 for kids. Just check out the audience's reactions to the opening scene so you know what you're getting into: