Beat Wirz, the Palace Hotel's Executive Pastry Chef, with Russell Costa, Pastry Sous Chef, and their beautiful wedding cake
7x7 President Todd Sotkiewicz, British Consul General Julian Evans, and Clem Esmail, the General Manager of the Palace Hotel
The Palace's Executive Chef Jesse Llapitan scans the gorgeous table settings
The Royal Wedding breakfast menu included cottled egg, back bacon grilled tomato, and vol-au-vent with baked beans
Drinks served for the day were King's Ginger Liquer, La Marca Prosecco, and No.3 London Dry Gin
Award-winning mixologist Russell Davis mixes a No.3 Martini, made with the signature gin and King's Ginger Liquer
The place settings included a wedding favor of King's Ginger Liqueur in mini-bottles
Dennis Carr, Chris Esh, Rusti Porter, Michelle Pieterse, Russell Davis, David Nava
Julie Goleman, 7x7 weddings editor Mary Jo Bowling, and Sirena Roberts
Colson Griffith and 7x7's Noel Kvisler
Jennifer Shortridge and Heather Phillippe
British Consul General Julian Evans with David King
Guests enjoying the wedding footage of the wedding on an oversized screen
Rusti Porter, Laura Hynes, Patty Oien, Debbie Rizzo, Suzy Hansen, Robyn Topkin
Kathryn Kalabokes, Adrianna Thorne, Julie Nunn Martin
Angie Silvy, Veronica Sultero, Jane Kim, Lindsie Jones
Antoinette McElroy, Sayareh Farsio, Debbie Brown
Julie Nunn Martin, Carmen, Ali Grosslight
A station where pictures could be taken with the prince and princess
7x7's Todd Sotkiewicz, Riley Manlapaz, Noel Kvisler, and Ali Grosslight

Though London and San Francisco are in two different time zones, on April 29 royalty and commoners everywhere were celebrating Prince William's marriage to Catherine Middleton.
Guests arrived as early as 8:30 a.m. for 7x7's Royal Wedding viewing and breakfast at the Ralston Ballroom of the beautiful, historic Palace Hotel. There was an open bar featuring fabulous libations such as the sparkling King's Ginger Royale, made King's Ginger Liqueur and La Marca Prosecco, and the classic No.3 London Dry Gin Martini made with the King's Ginger and capped with an Earl Grey saffron foam, all served by award-winning mixologist Russell Davis.
Guests took the opportunity to be photographed with the prince and princess themselves! (Ok, ok... they did seem a little flat.) Our partners at NBC Bay Area provided highlights of the wedding which played on an oversized screen while guests enjoyed a sophisticated English breakfast menu created by Executive Chef Jesse Llapitan. The morning ended with a scrumptious slice of carrot cake from the Palace's Executive Pastry Chef, Beat Wirz.
In lieu of gifts for the newlyweds, guests were also able to make donations to Project Night Night, a service helping homeless children with comfort packages and reading materials.
Photos: Ashleigh Reddy