It's rare that San Franciscans make the trek to the Outer Sunset on a Friday evening. But last Friday night, legendary skateboarder and artist Tommy Guerrerodrew out the crowds to Mollusk Surf Shop for a concert to promote Thomas Campbell's latest surf flick, The Present. The film premiered earlier this month and features some of the best surfers in the world, including Dane Reynolds, Joel Tudor, Ry Craike and Rob Machado.
Tommy Guerrero has always had style, even back in the legendary 1987 skate vid The Search for Animal Chin.
Check out this trailer for a flash-back.
That style continued at Mollusk on Friday, as Guerrero treated jovial surfers and skaters to his jazz infused melodies. Jonathon and Jared Mattson of the band The Mattson 2 accompanied Guerrero in the set. Jared Mattson’s drum solos were especially memorable. Their upcoming album will feature Guerrero so it was a real treat to hear them jam together.
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